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Social Studies

Smuggler's Island

Smuggler's Island explores the issues of Prohibition. It is the story of a boy who grew up on an island that was used by men to smuggle alcohol during the Prohibition. The story gives unique insight into the attitudes towards alcohol during the 1920's.

Complete these activities in four parts. Jump to each part:

:: Section 1 (Chapters 1-3)
:: Section 2 (Chapters 4-7)
:: Section 3 (Chapters 8-12)
:: Section 4 (Chapters 13-16)


» SECTION 1 (Chapters 1-3) «



Record vocabulary words on 3"x5" index cards and file alphabetically either in a small file box or in an envelope.

Vocabulary words:

  • Heroic
  • Ordinarily
  • Spellbound
  • Kerosene
  • Hauled
  • Riveted
  • Winches
  • Palpable
  • Obliged
  • Receding
  • Furtively
  • Imploring

Information for File cards:

  • Word
  • Word pronunciation; part of speech
  • Definition (as used in book)
  • Use in sentence (original or from the novel)

Use the Dictionaries in the Digital Library Reference Desk to look up the definitions.


As a group, create a crossword puzzle using the words you recorded on your index cards. You can find a template for making a crossword puzzle at Puzzlemaker if you have access to a computer. If you do not have access to a computer, you can find a crossword template in the social studies center.


Before beginning, research figurative language at the following Web sites:

Read and discuss the following quotes. As a group, label each quote as personification, simile, or metaphor. Individually, draw a picture in your journal, depicting what each would look like on paper.

  • "In the damp blanket of the night the lamp's glow looked like a ripe, fuzzy peach." (pg. 6)
  • "Clouds, reaching in with fat fingers, blotted out like stars." (pg. 7)
  • "It was then that Shad felt, like a blow from a hammer, a hand crash over his mouth." (pg. 9)
  • "he seemed like a half filled balloon." (pg. 20)

As you read, discuss the following questions with your group members. You may want to record the responses in binder, for this information will be covered on your final assessment.

  1. What can you assume by the conversation Mr. Faherty and Shad are having on pg. 4 about the families' financial situation?
  2. What do we know about Shad's character by the end of Chapter 1?
  3. Describe Mr. Kinlow's physical traits and character traits.
  4. Why do the island people all heed Mr. Kinlow's warning signal?
  5. How did Mr. Kinlow get the island folk to help him?
  6. Do you think Shad should have been reprimanded for disobeying his father? Why or why not?
  7. Who do you think is outside of the house when Shad and Davey are talking in their house?

Helpful sites for reading literature and writing responses:


Choose some event or happening from this section. In your binder, write a paragraph telling what happened; mentioning events and people involved. The following graphic organizer may help you to organize your thoughts or paragraphs:

Student developed paragraph sufficiently ___
Student included events and people involved ___
Student utilized proper conventions ___
Total points ___
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» SECTION 2 (Chapters 4-7) «



Record vocabulary words on 3"x5" index cards and file alphabetically either in a small file box or in an envelope.

Vocabulary words:

  • Agitated
  • Sporadically
  • Skiff
  • Deftly
  • Laboriously
  • Ponderously
  • Satchel
  • Cautious
  • Consequences
  • Ebb

Information for File cards:

  • Word
  • Word pronunciation; part of speech
  • Definition (as used in book)
  • Use in sentence (original or from the novel)

Use the Dictionaries in the Digital Library Reference Desk to look up the definitions.


As a group, create a crossword puzzle using the words you recorded on your index cards. You can find a template for making a crossword puzzle at Puzzlemaker if you have access to a computer. If you do not have access to a computer, you can find a crossword template in the social studies center.


As you read, discuss the following questions with your group members. You may want to record the responses in binder, for this information will be covered on your final assessment.

  1. Shad's first reaction when he heard the sputtering of Mr. Nevill's boat was to run away. What was his second reaction?
  2. With no electricity or telephones, how do the islanders get by?
  3. Why did people avoid Kinlow's house?
  4. Why would Kinlow have a bodyguard?
  5. How far was it from the main land to Lucker's Island?
  6. Do you feel Shad should trust Mr. Sheraton?
  7. What are the possible consequences for going inside Kinlow's house?
  8. How many cases are piled in the room?
  9. What is the climax in Chapter 7?
  10. Predict the outcome of the story?

Helpful sites for reading literature and writing responses:


With your group members, choose a portion from this section that you could effectively present to your classmates. Your classmates will evaluate your performance.

  • You may choose your method of presentation, for example, an interview, a dramatization, a poem, or a song.
  • Your presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes and you will have approximately 30 minutes to prepare.
  • Your classmates need to be able to identify the selection specifically, so clarity is important
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» SECTION 3 (Chapters 8-12) «



Record vocabulary words on 3"x5" index cards and file alphabetically either in a small file box or in an envelope.

Vocabulary words:

  • Reluctantly
  • Retorted
  • Confront
  • Scrutiny
  • Lest
  • Reverberated
  • Supplication
  • Defiant

Information for File cards:

  • Word
  • Word pronunciation; part of speech
  • Definition (as used in book)
  • Use in sentence (original or from the novel)

Use the Dictionaries in the Digital Library Reference Desk to look up the definitions.


As you read, discuss the following questions with your group members. You may want to record the responses in binder, for this information will be covered on your final assessment.

  1. Why is Davie so reluctant to listen to Shad at the beginning of Chapter 8?
  2. Would you help Shad if you were Davey? Explain your reasoning.
  3. What state was Shad's family in financially and emotionally?
  4. How did Shad's father react when he found out his involvement with Winlow?
  5. Do you condone Shad's behavior? Explain.
  6. Who does Davey compare his situation with and all the other people of the island in Chapter 11.
  7. What did Kinlow's green flag indicate?

Helpful sites for reading literature and writing responses:


On sentence strips, write 10 sentences describing the main events happening in this section. At the end of the class period, you will switch with another group or classmate and must place the events in order. When you write your strips, be sure to also write them on a piece of paper and write your name on the strips. You will assess and give a grade to your peer.

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» SECTION 4 (Chapters 13-16) «



Record vocabulary words on 3"x5" index cards and file alphabetically either in a small file box or in an envelope.

Vocabulary words:

  • Raucous
  • Intently
  • Isolated
  • Trudged
  • Earnest

Information for File cards:

  • Word
  • Word pronunciation; part of speech
  • Definition (as used in book)
  • Use in sentence (original or from the novel)

Use the Dictionaries in the Digital Library Reference Desk to look up the definitions.


Study all vocabulary words up to this point. We will conduct a vocabulary bee as a whole group.


As you read, discuss the following questions with your group members. You may want to record the responses in binder, for this information will be covered on your final assessment.

  1. Why do you think the author choose to make Monday gray?
  2. Who was in Shad's special house at the end of Chapter 13 and why?
  3. What does Shad mean when he says houses can be dead?
  4. Why does the author choose to say on page 118, "the houses looked dead?"
  5. On page 121, Bennett assists Shad. What does this say about Bennett's character?
  6. What was Shad unwilling to believe he was seeing at the beginning of Chapter 15. How would you feel at this point?
  7. Why did the islander push Brian toward shad on page 130?
  8. After Brian gets away from Sheraton and his men, why do Shad and Brian have a slight advantage?

Helpful sites for reading literature and writing responses:


Choose a character. List adjectives describing this character. Then in the bland silhouette, draw or paste pictures, which reflect the characteristics you have chosen.

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Further Exploration
Research these topics further with links to Web sites that will expand and enrich your knowledge of the 1920's.


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