"School For Wounded Soldiers Opens Here Today", The Chicago Daily News, Chicago, Illinois, February 11, 1919

p. 18.

transcription/facsimile newspaper article

School For Wounded Soldiers

Opens Here Today

Heroes Taught to Make

Better Living at Wendell -

Phillips High.

The first of several classes of wounded soldiers who are to be given the opportunity of taking up technical or commercial courses in Chicago schools, was to begin actual study to-day by direction of President Jacob M. Loeb of the board of education.

A visit by President Loeb to United States general hospital No. 23 at East 47th street and Drexel boulevard brought about the plan. The suggestion was made by Lieut. Col. T. O. Vanamee, morale officer of the hospital, that it would be a great aid to wounded soldiers if they could be given the opportunity of getting training which would aid them in finding positions.

The plan immediately struck President Loeb as one which should be put into effect at once and no time was lost in getting it started.

May Use Other Schools

The school official signed an emergency report which made the plan possible at once and Superintendents William Bachrach and A. D. Bauersfeld, in charge of commercial and technical training respectively, were assigned to the work. President Loeb announced that other high schools will be turned over for the use of wounded soldiers, accordingly as the necessity arises.

It was pointed out that many of the maimed and wounded soldiers were laborers before they enlisted in the military service and that it would be impossible for them to follow their old line of work. It is the expectation that they can be taught commercial courses, in a short time which will enable them to fill clerical or even more advanced positions.

Points Way to Meet Demand.

"We are confronted with a necessity of making it possible for these men to make a living in civilian life," said President Loeb, "and I can think of no better way of doing it than getting busy with them at once. They will be better pleased, I am sure, to pass their time to advantage in school than to while away their hours on cots thinking about their troubles. We owe all of these soldiers everything which can be given them and until the government takes some definite action Chicago can at least get busy with the facilities at hand."
