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Welcome to "Chicago in 1919," a multimedia history education program.

The story of Chicago in 1919 opens early in the year as a time of new visions, big ideas and great promise. The year slams closed like a door on many of those visions and visionaries. However, before the door could slam completely shut, new ideas in science and technology, the arts, race relations and more had taken root in the sandy soil on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Starting with a rich library of 500 mostly primary sources of the period, student and teacher historians using "Chicago in 1919" will be called upon to read and write, and to use all their creative, critical and analytical powers to understand how urban society develops, and how that story is told:

:: Chicago & The World
Read transcriptions of newspaper articles and advertisements focusing on Chicago's place in world history. »
:: Science & Technology
View more transcriptions of newspaper articles and advertisements focusing on the developments in science and technology in Chicago. »
:: Multimedia
Listen to songs and view documentary film footage from the period. »
:: Biographies
Read these brief entries detailing the lives of dozens of important and interesting Chicagoans. »

C H I C A G O ,   1 9 1 9

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A view south down Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, 1919

H I S T O R Y   F A I R
Visit the Chicago Metro History Education Center! The topic at the 1998 Chicago Metro History Fair was the History of Science & Technology. eCUIP presented materials from the "Chicago in 1919" CD, focusing on the new ideas in Science & Technology which captivated people in Chicago, the US and the World. To find out more, visit The Chicago Metro History Education Center.

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