The World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 was a pivotal moment in Chicago's
history. The fair marked Chicago's appearance on the world stage. Not only
did the world take notice of Chicago, but Chicago left its mark on the
world. Learn more about the impact of the fair on Chicago and the world
from Neil Harris and explore the fair on your own with the Interactive
Map of the Fairgrounds and the Image Gallery. Once you know a bit more
about the fair, explore other Web resources collected in Further Exploration.




Neil Harris, a Professor of History at the University of Chicago lectures on the history, politics, and architecture of the Columbian Exposition. Listen to his lecture or read through the transcript. NOTE: This resource is only accessible by CPS or UofC networked computers.
to the lecture » |
the Columbian Exposition fairgrounds. Explore an interactive map
of the fair featuring images from the university's special collections.
NOTE: Interactive map requires the Flash plug-in (get
Take the tour » |