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Bruce, B.C. (2002). What tools, media, resources, or environments are most supportive of learning in different contexts of learner and task?

Bruce, B.C. (2001). Successful Inquiry Learning Environments

Inquiry in Action

Bruce, B. C. (1999, February). How Worldwide is the Web? Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 42 (5), 382-385.

Bruce, B. & Bishop, A. (2002) "Using the Web to Support Inquiry-Based Literacy Development" JAAL.

  • Profs. Chip Bruce and Ann Bishop describe the Inquiry Page, its theory, its development, and its uses in this article in JAAL.

Campbell, Duncan. (2001). Can the Digital Divide Be Contained? International Labour Review, 2, 119-141.

DiPasquale, Cara B. (Nov. 19, 2001). Anderson Bridges Divide in Lead Role at Rappdigital. Advertising Age, 47, 34.

Kuhlthau, Carol (2001). Rethinking Libraries for the Information Age School: Vital Roles in Inquiry Learning.

Uncovering the Hidden Web Part 1: Finding What the Search Engines Don’t

Uncovering the Hidden Web, Part 2: Resources for your classroom


General Resources:

University of Chicago, eCUIP
This joint venture partners Chicago Public Schools with the University of Chicago to offer a portal with K-12 educators in mind, covering fine arts, language arts, math, science, and social studies. Chicago-centered resources offer rich primary-source materials unavailable elsewhere.

University of Michigan. Internet Public Library
This award-winning Web-based library is an excellent example of a virtual library, acting both as a collection and as an organization of librarians committed to helping patrons. IPL has a children's page, as well.

Primary Sources on the Web:

Chicago Historical Society, Online Project
Local history comes alive at the Chicago Historical Society's Online Projects, where digitized collections include those of the Haymarket Affair and the Great Chicago Fire.

Duke University, Scriptorium
Digitized collections include images, letters, diaries, and ephemera from the Civil War; historical images in American advertising, ancient Papyri from Egypt, historical images and letters from African American women, images and ephemera from the history of the Women's Liberation Movement, and others.

Library of Congress
This gateway to the Library of Congress' collections offers a wealth of historical images and digitized texts. Of particular note for educators is their American Memory Project: http://memory.loc.gov. Their children's page, "America's Library," is linked from the American Memory Project page, and is useful for students doing their own research.

National Women's History Project
Nonprofit site that provides a gateway to other sources and links pertaining to women's history. Go to the "Learning Place" page on the site for links/resources that include primary materials.

Palmer's Index to The Times
Useful for newspaper articles published in the London newspaper. Search the archive limiting by years (e.g., "1790-1905") and then by terms (e.g., "United States" or "America"). This will retrieve digital copies of the original newspaper article.

University of California, Berkeley, Digital Library Project
This collection includes over 600 images on diverse subjects, from plants and animals of California to African animals, plants, or landscape searchable by country. Its strength is its images that are not available elsewhere.

University of Michigan Online Journal Collection
This catalog has archived magazines popularly read at the time. Search by journal and date.

Secondary Sources on the Web:

African American history
The reference department at the Suburban Library System created this list of superior sources on African American history

This site is a comprehensive resource of the African American experience. To access historical information, click on "History" and limit by date (e.g., "1500-1860").

BigChalk.com Education Network
Search their educator-selected sites on a diversity of subject areas. This product covers content from government, educational, and museum archives.

History Net
Search or browse this site that has a mix of primary and secondary sources.

Examples of work and lesson plans using Digital Library resources:

American Memory, Lesson Plans using the NDL

ICONNect ALA awards
Examples of media specialists/teachers use of resources.

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