West Side (continued)
In Little Village, the community's main event is the annual Mexican
Independence Day Parade (September 16), which wends its way down
26th Street from Sacramento to Kildare. Sponsored by the 26th
Street Businessmen's Association, the parade is a testament to
the thriving Mexican-American community once known as South Lawndale.
Every year Pilsen residents continue a centuries-old ritual known
as the Via Crucis, the Way of the Cross. On Good Friday, Mexican
Catholics reenact the Last Supper of Jesus Christ at Providence
of God Church at 18th and Union. Following a mock trial, the crowd
follows "Christ" as he carries his cross along 18th
Street to Harrison Park where he is "crucified." The
body of "Christ" is then carried on a bier to St. Adalbert
Church where the ceremony concludes. Unlike any other celebration,
the Via Crucis symbolizes the suffering endured by local families
as they struggle for economic survival in the city.
One of the most significant developments to occur on the Lower
West Side in the past decade is a new spirit of cooperation among
local Catholic churches and community groups. Once divided along
ethnic lines, parishes in Pilsen, Heart of Chicago, and Little
Village have pooled their resources to combat gangs and address
the problems of Hispanic youth. In addition to supporting parochial
schools, local parishes have waged a spirited campaign to establish
the Pilsen Catholic Youth Center. This project is aimed at providing
Hispanic youngsters with academic support, social activities,
and religious guidance. On September 10, 1984, more than 1,200
residents braved the rain to show their support for the Youth
Center, and they cheered young men and women as they marched along
18th Street.
The future of Pilsen as a Mexican community seems assured. And
it is likely that as Mexican families move up the economic ladder,
they too will follow the path taken by earlier Bohemian, Polish,
and Mexican-Americans who moved to the "suburbs" of
Heart of Chicago and Little Village and beyond.
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