Turn left on Kedzie and go four blocks south to 26th Street. The Kanoon
Magnet School at 2233 S. Kedzie continues an important tradition on
the Lower West Side. Just as earlier public schools memorialized Bohemian
and Polish figures such as Dvorak, Jirka, and Paderewski, so also new
buildings reflect the neighborhood's Hispanic majority. The Kanoon School
(1980) is named after Gerald Delgado Kanoon, a Mexican-born bilingual
teacher and administrator in Pilsen and Little Village who died in 1978.
He was well known for his interest in science and bilingual education.
The Kedzie Avenue Municipal Public Baths building at the southeast
corner of 24th and Kedzie is a link to the days when neighborhood homes
lacked modern conveniences. As late as 1944, fifteen percent of local
dwellings, especially in the area east of Kedzie, had no private toilet
or bath. The above photograph shows the Kedzie Avenue Municipal Baths
in 1985.
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