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Migration and Immigration Letters > Correspondence between Members of Family-Groups, Raczkowski Series

These letters are from Polish immigrants to their relatives in Poland. They offer a glimpse of how family life changes for the Raczkowski family after they emigrate from Poland. Each family member adapts to their new lives in different ways, ultimately changing the makeup of the family. The letters were collected by William I Thomas and Florian Znaniecki.

Correspondence between Members of Family-Groups, Raczkowski Series
(pp. 180-249 in The Polish Peasant in Europe and America: Monograph of an Immigrant Group, Vol. II, Primary Group Organization; 1918)
:: Overview (p. 180)
:: List of family members (p. 186)
:: Letters (p. 187)


You can read a transcript of James Grossman's lecture on the Great Migration.

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