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2. Classroom Resources

[Jim Grossman] OK, and I want to thank Ken for inviting me. Usually such ____ come in with a presentation. What happens is you talk for fifty minutes, everybody falls asleep, and then the discussion starts [laughter], then you try to wake everybody up. And I'm going to try something different if people don't mind. And that is I'm going to first start by passing around some documents, giving you about ten minutes just to read, just to skim very quickly, and I want to get a sense of the kinds of questions that you would ask from these documents. And although I did bring a presentation, Ken had asked me to give a forty-five minute lecture, I can also sort of as I'm speaking, also try to speak to the questions that the documents raise in your minds.

Also I think it will help us maybe to begin to think about some of the kinds of things you can use in your classrooms and perhaps put up on your web site. Both of these are things that I think that you possibly can get permission to put up on your Web site. So in essence, what we're going to do is we're going to begin not with answers but with some questions.

And second, but before I do that, as long as you're thinking about other things to be putting on a Web site or to use in classes, before I forget about it, just thinking about what Ken had said Jackie was offering ____.

If you want to do more with the Great Migration, and you want to have something that's more exciting than a book, there was a series that was done on, I think it was on Discovery Channel is where it was first broadcast here, called The Promised Land, and it was five parts. How many of you saw it? [Muffled responses] I would only show some parts of it. The first, I would say the first two, are parts that are worth showing. You could take a look at three and see what you think of it, but by the time you get to four it's less useful.

There's also something else that's very different done by the American Social History Project called Up South. It has more mundane production values and doesn't have the same glossy budget.

[Female voice] I worked with them.

You worked with them. OK, it's a very good piece of work. What they did was they took some documents and in essence created characters, created fictional characters out of real people, or recreated dialogue and it sounds kind of hokey but it works.

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