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Introduction > The Ottoman Empire

The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandate Period

The 18th Century
After Suleyman the Ottoman was still able expand, but as quickly as it once did. Many of the Sultans, were not as qualified as previous Sultans, but the Empire still functioned. During the late 16th and 17th centuries the Viziers managed most of the important affairs of the Empire and expansion continued. The Ottomans took control of Cyprus and Crete and took more territory after wars with Austria, Venice, and Poland. But the tide of conquest stopped after a series of wars fought in short period of time against Austria, Venice, Poland, and Russia. Over the next thirty - forty years the Ottoman Empire was at war in Europe and in Asia, but now rather than winning most of the wars the Ottoman Empire began to lose many. This was terrible for army, the people of the Empire, and the economy. The middle of the 18th century was a turning point for the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans began to reform their military and to adopt many ideas and technologies from the Europeans.

Reforms and the 19th and 20th century
The reforms initiated sporadically during the second half of the 18th century culminated in during the reign of Selim III. Selim initiated many reforms, which focused on the military. However, many conservative elements in the empire eventually overthrew Selim III. But, Selim was succeeded by Mahmud II, who was also a reformer attempted many of the same things that Selim had. Mahmud initiated a period of reform that culminated in a program known as the Tanzimat. The 19th century was a period of reform for the Ottoman Empire, but the empire also lost a lot of territory to the emerging European powers. The final blow to the Ottoman Empire was the First World War. After the war the empire was partitioned.

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The First Balkan War

Archduke Francis Ferdinand is Assasinated: 1914; The Ottoman Empire enters WWI

The Ottoman Empire: Decline and Fall

L E S S O N  P L A N

Go to the Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago for teacher resources on the Ottoman Empire.

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