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Women's Board Grant Award
NOVEMBER 17, 2000

The CUIP Digital Library Project is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a grant in the amount of $19,347 from the University of Chicago Women's Board.

This grant has been awarded in response to a proposal presented to the Women's Board last year, requesting funds to support building a set of Digital Library modules related to the city of Chicago. The proposal was not originally funded by the Women's Board, but was placed on a prioritized secondary list. At the end of their fiscal year, they had unallocated funds remaining and have generously used them to fund our project.

The idea was to build modules around themes such as Chicago history, neighborhoods, art and architecture, literature and poetry, and current events. Because of staffing changes, we will allocate the money differently than originally proposed, but to the same effect.

Thank you very much to the University of Chicago Women's Board!


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