Introducing: Special Collections JANUARY
29, 2001
eCUIP is pleased to announce the launch of a "Special Collections" area of the Digital Library. In addition to our five main subject collections, we've gathered more than 100 new online resources into two new special collections, on African-American Studies and Chicago. We think you'll find these resources relevant and, with Black History Month just a few days away, timely. The African-American Studies and Chicago collections are now a permanent part of the Digital Library and are listed along with the subject collections on the Digital Library top page and in the dropdown menu above. You might have also noticed a change in the address of the eCUIP Web site, which is now:
www.lib.uchicago.edu/ecuip We think you'll find this address easier to remember.As always, don't hesitate to get in Contactwith us to tell us what you think! | 
M O R E | ::
| African-American Studies Collection
January 29, 2001 ::
Journey through all aspects of black studies with the introduction of this new special collection. | ::
| Chicago Collection
January 29, 2001 ::
Discover the colorful history of the
"Windy City" with the introduction of this new special collection. |
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