Day 17
Marco Date: July 17, 2000 Subject: Cleaning the JP site
I got up, got
online for a while, then I told Cory about Napster — he wanted to get it,
so I [downloaded] it for him. I had to fix some things on it though. Then,
off to work — I packed some Gatorade and fruit. I fed Remy and played catch
with him for about 10 minutes. I've always wanted to have a dog. When
I arrived at the museum, I saw that Todd Crowell (seasonal paleontology instructor
at the OTM) was there, but Kathryn was late and Shureice went to Glacier Park
with her family. So it was just us three for the day. The
plan for the day was clean up the JP site for the JP's. We had no group scheduled
for today, so we worked the site down so the JP's could get in better and have
room. We did the hard part, they just had to uncover the bone. We let a layer
that could be removed by hand. I used Todd's rock hammer called Orebiter to get
rid of lots of rock. We
stayed there until 12:30, then went to lunch. We left the gear there, so we could
be back later. Todd did try to give me a hard time. I found out Jack Conrad was
coming back with the JP's this year, that is cool. Then we got back to the site
— Kathryn brought her dog along and she mapped the site. We
got back [to the museum] at 5:30, then went home. I got home and we had a family
dinner. Then we went to the local theater to watch Gone in 60 Seconds again.
I got home, then to sleep. I am too tired, so for now to sleep and rest.
previous 11
of 12

G A L L E R Y | 
Remy, the Christiaens family dog. [enlarge]

Todd Crowell, seasonal paleontology instructor at the Old Trail Museum, makes
a face. [enlarge]