Marco Date: July 7, 2000 Subject: Prospecting at Theropod
Flats Today went
off great. Right now it's 11:12 PM. We had many things happen to us. For
example I was just in my host brothers' room. We were taking digital pictures
and looking through their Star Wars collection. They seem to be big fans
we are also going to the movie theater tomorrow (the show starts at 7:00 PM).
I'm excited because
there I will see other people. This is a small town they only play movies
Thursday and Friday [and] they only play one movie at a time. Today
was Cory and Roman's (my host brothers) first day at their jobs they pull
weeds for farmers. They said they'll be doing that for about three weeks. I
left at 8:10 this morning for the OTM. I rode Cory's bike there it's not
very far away. I feel that after this trip I will be in very good shape. [When]
I got there, no-one was there, but Susan Luinstra (assistant instructor at the
OTM) arrived shortly after I did. [It] turned out that we had a new group of people
[to take on expedition] two of them had done the museum's [two-day dinosaur
paleontology course] about four years ago. The [other members of the group were]
a lady and her five or six year-old [child]. I
loaded the van. When Shureice arrived, we set up and the [expedition] group of
four got an introduction to the activities and ... took a bone/rock quiz. The
quiz is just to show them examples of rock and real bone. We
loaded the van and took plaster because a jacket is ready to come out at the JP
[dig] site. We went there, we've done that for one group already, and there they
find and excavate bone. I
was amazed at the site. I know Jack Conrad (Project Exploration Co-captain) will
be happy to hear we are gonna take out the jacket that he found on his first expedition
here last year in Choteau. Today
one guy pried out a big chunk of sandstone (really hard concretion) and it had
marks of what might be ribs under it. So, there are two long bones that are lying
side by side that we discovered. I believe there is something in the JP site.
After that, at
about 1:00 PM, we went to lunch we ate at The Log Cabin [restaurant], so
no bag lunch for us! Then usually we take the group out to prospect; we took them
to Theropod Flats. There they found lots of bone, and teeth fragments. Then a
toe bone of a cow (maybe) and lots of burned fossilized tree. After
that we went on to the museum. Ahh, I was tired, [but] Shureice and [I] had to
stay and clean the van. Then we went inside to the museum to email our journals.
I put on Instant Messenger on the laptop and was talking to a friend for about
20 minutes. When Shureice started to leave, I grabbed the bike and we headed towards
my place. [When
we got there], it turn[ed] out my family rented a movie (Sleepy Hollow), so Shureice
and I went to Happy Jack's bakery and ... got some free cookies. Then [we went]
back to my place. I
had to borrow the digital camera from Shureice [to take] pictures of my family.
Then we went to see their Star Wars collection and their books. I showed them
pictures of back home in Chicago.
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