Shureice Date: July 20, 2000 Subject: Fun with the JP's
Today was the
first day that the JP's were taken out into the field. We met up at the museum
and made everyone tell us about themselves, like their favorite dinosaurs and
why they were there. Then
we took them to the JP site which is known as a roller coaster ride because of
the ups and downs on the ride there. Some of them were scared that we would get
hurt driving the van over all the cliffs and things, but we were fine. When
we got there we stopped and showed them some coprolite (fossilized dino poop)
and some of them dropped it (it's only rock now). They took the hike up there
pretty well, and were very helpful. Once
we got up there, we were to regroup and I gave them a little talk, which turned
into a lecture about the land geology and how the JP site was found by the other
JP's the year before. Then
we split into two groups: one prospecting and one excavating. I was with the prospectors
almost all day, except when I did overburden with Kierre. We dug for a little
bit, and we had fun working with the pickaxes, too. The
first group was led by Todd and was looking around on this layer of bentonite
(layer of volcanic ash deposited millions of years ago). We were just about to
leave when Natasha found a lot of huge bone fragments. She had discovered a new
site and then she got to name it. She named it Lowe Bone Hill. Then
we took the second group out with us and we were with two kids that went to my
high school, Susan and Robert. Then we started to clean up so we could leave the
site for lunch. When
we were there, Kit was asking us alot of questions, like, "If you wanted
to be eaten by a non-avian dino, who would it be?" I just laughed on my way
to the van where the JP's were. They were discussing who would and how to escape
if a lion attacked them in the van. When I came I suggested throwing me outside
the van and while I was being eaten alive, they could lock up all the doors and
save themselves. Then
after lunch we excavated a bit longer. Crazy Kierre and Griffey were climbing
cliffs and stuff for no reason at all, but it looked fun. When
we got to the Micro Site, we looked for more fragments and found quite a bit and
then headed back down. Griffey, Kierre and I climbed all the way up to the top
to take a few pictures. Then
we headed back to the museum, but not before a few stops. Becca let me and Marco
off at 4:00 but we had to be back at 6:30 for dinner. I was happy to see my family
so early. I got
ready, and Kathy drove me up to the schoolhouse for dinner. Dinner was great.
Makerah even brought the camera and the boys did their thing, which was very funny.
They made up their
own songs and they were really funny. Then me and Makerah did our thing. We had
a ninja fight where we just did improvisational comedy. I have never seen my boss
laugh so hard. «
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