Learn how paleontologists find and dig up bones by visiting each of these dig sites in Montana, along with Marco and Shureice.
| JP
Site Tag along with the Junior Paleontologists as they participate in
prospecting and excavating
this spectacular dig site.
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| Egg
Mountain Site Take a tour of the famous site where the world's first dinosaur embryos were discovered.
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| Camp
Makela Visit the Museum of the Rockies' homebase, where paleontologists sleep in Blackfeet teepees.
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| Micro
Site Go
prospecting with the Old Trail Museum at a site rich with small bones and fragments.
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| Pine
Butte Swamp Preserve Go
on a hike with across Montana’s rugged Rocky Mountain Front prime habitat for
grizzly bears!
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M O R E | 
The Junior Paleontologists prospect at the JP

A tour group does some excavation work at the Egg Mountain Site.
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