South Lakefront
Hyde Park homeowners, businessmen, and others banded together
to form the Hyde Park-Kenwood Property Owners Association. This
group used political, economic, and other kinds of pressure to
prevent the racial transformation of the South Side. The fact
that bombings took place in the Grand Boulevard and Kenwood areas
during the height of the Association's power is indicative of
the atmosphere at the time. And while there is no proof that the
Association was involved in such activities, there is strong evidence
that they did not frown on such practices. More than twenty bombings
preceded the tragic race riot in 1919.
The use of restrictive covenants was more successful than acts
of violence in stemming the tide of racial change. Hyde Park homeowners
pledged not to rent their homes to non-Caucasians. The Supreme
Court declared this practice unconstitutional in 1948 in a case
argued by Earl Dickerson, a black attorney and insurance executive,
who later lived in Hyde Park. Until that court decision, however,
covenants remained a partially effective way of segregating the
Like World War I, World War II also brought upheaval in its
wake. A wartime boom resulted in a new migration of Southern
to Chicago. The South Side Black Belt expanded again as memories
of the 1919 race riot faded. The neighborhood to the north of
Hyde Park witnessed significant racial change, and by the end
of the 1940s the combination of two decades of depression, war,
and neglect had caused vast new slums to develop. Hyde Park and
Kenwood seemed to be in store for the same fate. Many of the
wealthy families, who for years had made Kenwood their home,
moved. The odor from the nearby stockyards and the pollution
from the
lakefront steel mills in South Chicago lessened the area's desirability.
Lower-middle-class and white-collar workers replaced the old
By 1950 German and Russian Jews made up the largest ethnic group
in the neighborhood. Japanese Americans, displaced by World
II, also constituted a large part of the area's population. Blacks
accounted for about six percent of the local population, many
living in housing units that had deteriorated badly. An irreversible
trend seemed to be underway.
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