South Lakefront
But Hyde Park-Kenwood was different. While blockbusting, illegal
conversions, and the spread of slums hit the area, the neighborhood
did not dissolve. In 1949 the 57th Street Meeting of Friends (Quakers)
began the first organized program to combat the neighborhood's
problems. This was the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference,
an organization which proposed two objectives for the neighborhood:
to stop decay and to promote racial integration. Another organization,
the South East Chicago Commission, was organized in 1952 and was
backed by more conservative elements in the neighborhood, especially
the University of Chicago. These two organizations often distrusted
each other and had different aims. Yet they avoided open clashes
because their memberships overlapped, and ultimately they both
wanted to make Hyde Park-Kenwood work. Yet by the middle 1950s,
the fate of the neighborhood was still in doubt. The police district
to which the neighborhood belonged had the highest crime rate
in the city.
In 1954 the new Federal Housing Act set the stage for the first
large-scale neighborhood urban renewal program in the nation,
and it decisively determined the future of the Hyde Park-Kenwood
community. Leaders in the community were familiar with the legislation
because some of the legal research for the Housing Act had been
done at the University of Chicago Law School. As former resident
Muriel Beadle has pointed out, "much of the experience gained
by both the Conference and the Commission was reflected in the
new law." Unlike the communities which underwent irrevocable
racial change to the north and south of it, two important factors
kept Hyde Park-Kenwood integrated; it had a firm economic and
institutional base in the University of Chicago and the neighborhood
was already well organized. Hyde Parkers have a long tradition
of being joiners. Local residents came to meetings, voiced their
opinions, and supported causes. It was a factor that was often
missing in other middle-class areas where residents saw decline
and simply left.
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