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Step 9: Construct your exhibit

After you have written your paper, you should construct your exhibit.

Everything that you include on your exhibit board will be taken from your paper, but the presentation of the results will be highly visual.

Think about the best way to present your research visually using images, graphs, charts, posters, multimedia, and/or physical objects such as lab apparatus.

Keep these points in mind when putting together your exhibit board.

  • Nothing can hang off the board.
  • The board cannot exceed 76 cm deep x 122 cm wide x 122 cm high.
  • Be sure to include your title, purpose and hypothesis on the board.
  • Keep your title short!  It can be no longer than 45 characters.
  • Leave room to attach your abstract and safety sheet to the board.  These documents can be reduced in size for the exhibit board.
  • High school students should note that the majority of the board will be occupied by the data and results.
  • Elementary students should include the purpose, hypothesis, procedure, materials, data, results, and conclusion.

Important: For more information about the exhibit board, see the Exhibit Design and Evaluation Guidelines for Judgiing in the Science Fair Handbook. [Download Handbook]