Step 1Step 1aStep 1bStep 1cStep 1dStep 2Step 2aStep 2bStep 2cStep 3Step 3aStep 3bStep 3cStep 4Step 5Step 5aStep 5bStep 5cStep 5dStep 5eStep 6Step 6aStep 6bStep 7Step 7aStep 7bStep 7cStep 7dStep 8Step 9Step 10Step 11Step 12

Step 5E: Get permissions

What are the safety requirements for your experiment? Will you use human subjects or living organisms? There are rules for designing and carrying out experiments so that they are safe and ethical. Consult with your science teacher to make sure you will be able to get the necessary permissions to conduct your experiment.

Important: For information about endorsements, see “Safety in Experimentation” and the “CPS Science Fair Endorsement Flow Chart” in the Science Fair Handbook. Make sure you get all required endorsements before beginning your experiment. [Visit Website]