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Cultural Astronomy: Bringing the Heavens to Earth
Complete these activities to understand the astronomical phenomena used by many cultures in their daily lives. The following concepts are explored in detail in the Cultural Astronomy module which is based on the Bringing the Heavens to Earth exhibit at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum.

:: Day and Night
Students will demonstrate that the Earth spins to give us day and night.
:: Seasons and Daylight
A visual for students to see how hours of daylight are determined by where the Sun shines most directly on Earth throughout the year.
:: Shadows
Students will experiment with shadows to identify what determines the length of the shadow and the direction it falls.
:: Sun Shadows
Students will understand that the length of a shadow is determined by the position of the sun in the sky.
:: Phases of the Moon
Students will learn that the Moon reflects light from the Sun and the phases are determined by the amount of the Moon reflecting Sunlight.
:: Moontime
A month can be determined by observing the phases of the Moon.
:: Constellation Viewer
To learn about the constellations and the stars' positions in the sky.
:: Pleaides Pattern
To understand that the Pleaides constellation has a distinct pattern in the sky.
:: Identifying Constellations
Students will identify constellations in the night time sky.
:: Star Clock - Coming Soon!
Students will make a star clock and determine the time of the year certain constellation appear in the night time sky.
:: Motion of the Stars
Students will see how latitude determines which stars are viewable in the sky.
:: Latitude
Students will be able to identify and draw a 90° angle, understand the concept of measurement, use their body to measure latitude, and estimate measurement.
:: Where in the World
Students will be able to identify and label latitude, longitude, poles, equator, and the cardinal directions on a globe and a map. They will also be able to; identify places on Earth by points of latitude and longitude, provide the coordinates of a location, and recognize a grid.

Explore these topics further in the Cultural Astronomy module in the Science section of the Digital Library.

Get other lesson ideas at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum.


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