Where There
is Discord, Harmony; The Power of Art
Olivia Gude and Marcus Akinlana
by: Unknown
1801 E. 71st Street
This huge mural is meant to indicate the importance of art to
a community. Art is literally a force which can change discord
to harmony. The pedominant symbol is the third eye which somehow
brings together the tools of the artist which create beauty and
which seem to reenergize the earth with drops of life giving moisture.
Olivia Gude is a major member of the Chicago Public Art Group.
Another work by her in this collection is "Where We Come
From . . .Where We are Going" under the 56th street Metra
The building on which the mural is painted was once "One
Artists Row", part of a major experiment in creating artist
incubators in South Shore. For a number of years this building
and "Two Artists Row" across the street were the center
of much artistic activity, including music and public performance.
It was a wonderful idea based on the fact that South Shore was
then he home of a tremendous percentage of African American Artists
in Chicago.
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