We Come From . . . Where We Are Going
Olivia Gude
by: Unknown
Metra underpass, 56th Street and Lake Park
Most of our murals make their points symbolically.
This is almost super-realistic. The men and women shown were passers-by
whom Olivia Gude interviewed and sketched. They are shown here
in the clothes they wore and with the things they said. Ms. Gude
asked them "Where do you come from? Where are you going?"
The answers vary from simple and quick, "I'm going to the
Loop" to deep and sometimes troubled expressions about the
directions of their lives. Whatever they said is there. The work
has become a popular favorite and the descriptions have been read
by thousands of new passers-by with their own comings and goings.
Olivia Gude is one of the leaders of the Chicago Mural Art Group,
an organization that has sponsored or supported a large proportion
of the city's murals. She is also the author of "Urban Art
Chicago," a fine work and the source of much of the information
you find on this web site.