Day 11
From: Shureice
Date: July 11, 2000
Subject: Snow in summer
Today we were up for a 3 mile hike. We met at the same place at the same time and we were ready for a really easy hike. We got up to the trailhead and did some yoga exercises. Then we learned how to use different types of maps and we were off. At first it was a little easy, but then it went up directly up for almost the entire hike. This was harder than the hike was the day before! It also felt longer, too. I thought I would never make it to the summit. When I did, I was looking at the lake we came to see, and I only saw a puddle. Then we went up to the mountaintop and started sliding down on our raincoats and shoes. We had so much fun. And no one got frostbite. It was 80 degrees but there was snow everywhere. Afterwards Paul took us all out for ice cream. We ate and then we each got a ride home. I wish we could've stayed up on top for a few more hours. We all did.
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