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Field Notes

Day 4

From: Shureice
Date: July 4, 2000
Subject: Rodeo and fireworks

Today rocked. Today was the day of the parade, and Happy [my host dad] ran in the marathon. I got to see him run.

Then we went to the museum at 8:30 AM and heard that the dino-mobile broke down, so we just had to ride [in] the plain OTM van. [During the parade] we threw candy [to] the lookers on, and we were so generous that we ran out quickly.

Today we worked a little in the prep lab, and went to the rodeo with my host family. The rodeo was really cool. People didn't get hurt or trampled, though. My favorite part was the wild cow milking, where you had to chase, rope, restrain, and milk a wild cow. Cool huh?

After that we went to Marco's house, and that's where we tried to get some pics of some cows, but they just ran away. We played horseshoe and a little ball, too. We also played [music from] Metallica and Q-Tip for the family — they didn't like it though.

This summer rocks. We found out that [this] site is up! Kara emailed us the link so now we start sending [her] our entries and pics. Cool.

After that we played Monopoly. Marco kept stealing money (though it was very funny). Then my host family came to pick me up to go watch fireworks at the airport. It was chilly and very beautiful. Then after a few hours the brush started to catch on fire! Cool!

After that we went home and lit more fireworks. I put 50 fire rockets in one bottle and lit them all at once. The Feders [my host family] swore I tried to kill them.

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At the rodeo, two cowboys wield their lassos in the roping event. [enlarge]

A cowboy herds several steer in the roping event. [enlarge]

A cowboy is dragged behind a steer that he has just roped. [enlarge]

The cowboys move in after roping a steer. [enlarge]

Read Marco's Field Notes from Day 4.

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