Day 7
Shureice Date: July 7, 2000 Subject: Bones and bike rides
I had a pretty
cool day today. We worked on the JP [dig] site and one of the members of [our]
tour group was trying to pull this rock up from under JP 2 (one of the 3 bone
casts at this site), because the rock under the cast was totally independent from
the rest of the cast. So,
he tried to remove this rock and when he did, he found two beautiful neural elongations
underneath. I had never seen bone that was so beautiful before that day. It was
not his first time on one of the OTM's two-day nature courses, though. The last
time he came, he was on one of our nature tours when Todd Crowell (seasonal paleontology
instructor at the Old Trail Museum) found a femur that was so perfectly preserved
that they just picked it up and collected it. Afterwards
Marco [and I] got to stay and email our journals. [After we finished],
Marco started playing around on the computer, when I [had] promised my host dad
that I would be at the bakery after work. I started to leave and Marco caught
up with me and we went up to his house, to grab some bikes. Then [we went off]
to the bakery dad was cookin' up some cheese rolls, so we got some free
food and we checked out the books and the other stuff he was selling. Then
Hap (my host dad) told me to go home. [When we got there, I] changed [clothes]
and Marco talked to my mom. Then Marco and I went bike riding, but nothing was
open!!! After about an hour we went to the gas station and I was going to get
some candy. Then
we went back to his place and chilled [before] I went home [to eat] dinner. I
found out that ZuZu's 13th birthday is two days away. Kathy and Texel were preparing
something for ZuZu and made her wait in the kitchen. I can't wait.
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A L L E R Y | 
The JP's at work excavating the JP Site. [enlarge]

Shureice's host dad, "Happy" Jack Feder. [enlarge]

Shureice's host sister, Texel. [enlarge]

Shureice's host sister, Zuzu. [enlarge]
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O R E | Read
Marco's Field Notes from Day 7. |