You are about to enter the Roaring Twenties. "Winnie the
Pooh" has entered the picture, as well as "The Velveteen
Rabbit." Alcohol is prohibited, dresses are shorter, women
can vote, and Babe Ruth is making baseball history. The Harlem
Renaissance is emerging, Pablo Picasso is entering his Synthetic
Cubist period, and John T. Scopes is challenging the Butler Law.
Americans are moving from the simple life and being thrust into
the age of technology with the invention of the radio, the rocket,
and moving pictures. Some are intrigued, some are scared, but
most are ready for the ride.
Explore the 1920's through its literature, events, and personalities.




A C T I V I T Y |
(requires Acrobat
Have a little fun with the slang of the 1920's. Print
out this 1920's word search. (If you cannot find all
of the words, there is also a solution.)
N V E S T I G A T E |
Research these topics further with links to Web sites
that will expand and enrich your knowledge of the 1920's. |