Multiwavelength Astronomy is a collection of webbased lessons for highschool students covering the history, science, tools, and impact of astronomy across the wavebands, from gamma ray to infrared. Lessons are presented by practicing scientists or historical figures who significantly contributed to astronomical progress. 1
The content of each lesson is derived from interviews with scientists, archived oral histories, and/or memoirs. Lessons are evaluated by a science educator and subject matter expert before being produced for the web and supplemented by NASA media; archival material from the University of Chicago Library and other archives; and participant contributed photographs, light curves, and spectra.
The development of the gamma ray and Xray modules was funded by NASA's SMD ROSES EPO program, Grant No. NNX09AD33G. The development of the ultraviolet, optical, and infrared modules was funded by NASA's SMD ROSES EPO program, Grant No. NNX10AE80G.
Donald G. York, Principal Investigator (GR/XR and UVOIR)
Vikram Dwarkadas, CoInvestigator (GR/XR)
Carlo Graziano, Scientist (GR/XR)
Al Harper, CoInvestigator (UVOIR)
Richard Kron, CoInvestigator (UVOIR)
Donald Lamb, CoInvestigator (GR/XR)
University of Chicago development team:
Julia Borst Brazas
Sara Dennison
Steven Lane
Elisabeth Long
Christie Thomas
External reviewers:
Lynn Cominsky, Gamma ray
Edward Jenkins, Ultraviolet
Lawrence Marschall, Optical
Richard McCray, X-ray
Michael Shull, Ultraviolet
Dan Lester, Infrared
Chicago Public Schools science educators:
Jacqueline Barge, Walter Payton College Preparatory High School
Nikolaus Barge, Walter Payton College Preparatory High School
Soo Chang, Walter Payton College Preparatory High School
Dioscoro Loquinte, Percy Julian High School
Joy Reeves, Claremont Academy Elementary School
Diane Hawist, Roald Amundsen High School
Eddie Gonzalzles, Morgan Park High School
Mercy Kurian, Theodore Roosevelt High School
William Lyons, Walter Payton College Preparatory High School
Isaac Robinovitz, George Westinghouse High School
Eman Sarhan, Roald Amundsen High School
Lesson docents:
Stirling Colgate (Gamma ray, History)
Dieter Hartmann (Gamma ray, Science)
Neil Gehrels (Gamma ray, Tools)
Chryssa Kouveliotou (Gamma ray, Impact)
Herbert Friedman (X-ray, History)
George Clark (X-ray, Science)
Harvey Moseley (X-ray, Tools)
Riccardo Giacconi (X-ray, Impact)
Blair Savage (Ultraviolet, History)
Michael Shull (Ultraviolet, Science)
James Green (Ultraviolet, Tools)
Caroline Herschel / Lyman Spitzer (Optical, History)
Edwin Hubble (Optical, Science)
Donald G York (Optical, Impact)
Martin Harwit (Infrared, History)
Judy Pipher (Infrared, Science)
George Rieke (Infrared, Tools)
John Mather (Infrared, Impact)
1 Future plans include the extension of the modules to include radio, gravitational waves, and cosmic rays.