Learn about multiwavelength astronomy from leaders in the field.

Optical Astronomy
The history of astronomy is the history of optical astronomy. Journey through 500 years of astronomical and engineering innovation and progress with historical and current astronomers.
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X-Ray Astronomy
From rocketry to detectors, discover how X-ray astronomy has advanced space science from four of the pioneers and innovators of the field.
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Gamma Ray Astronomy
Study the physics of the Universe at its most extreme. Follow scientists unraveling the mysteries massive stars that end their lives as Gamma Ray Bursts.
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Astrophysics Overview

Forces of Nature
Learn how the four fundamental forces of nature come together to shape glaxaies, stars, and planets from clouds of swirling dust and gas.

Telescope Design
The challenge for creating multiwavelength telescopes is finding the best materials and methods to focus and detect light in each spectral waveband.

Get an animated overview of how a spectrograph works, and see how spectra in each waveband help astrophysicists turn light into data.